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Home Assistant network storage

As of Home Assistant Core 2023.6, Network Mounted Storage is supported for addons.

Setting Up Remote Storage For Frigate


  • HA Core 2023.6 or newer is installed
  • Running HA OS 10.2 or newer OR Running Supervised with latest os-agent installed (this is required for supervised install)

Initial Setup

  1. Stop the Frigate addon
  2. Update your config so the DB is stored in the /config directory by adding:
path: /config/frigate.db

Move current data

Keeping the current data is optional, but the data will need to be moved regardless so the share can be created successfully.

If you want to keep the current data

  1. Move the frigate.db, frigate.db-shm, frigate.db-wal files to the /config directory
  2. Rename the /media/frigate folder to /media/frigate_tmp

If you don't want to keep the current data

  1. Delete the /media/frigate folder and all of its contents

Create the media share

  1. Go to Settings -> System -> Storage -> Add Network Storage
  2. Name the share frigate (this is required)
  3. Choose type media
  4. Fill out the additional required info for your particular NAS
  5. Connect
  6. Move files from /media/frigate_tmp to /media/frigate if they were kept in previous step
  7. Start the Frigate addon