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Community Supported Boards

About Community Supported Boards

There are many SBCs (small board computers) that have a passionate community behind them, Jetson Nano for example. These SBCs often have dedicated hardware that can greatly accelerate Frigate's AI and video workloads, but this hardware requires very specific frameworks for interfacing with it.

This means it would be very difficult for Frigate's maintainers to support these different boards especially given the relatively low userbase.

The community support boards framework allows a user in the community to be the codeowner to add support for an SBC or other detector by providing the code, maintenance, and user support.

Getting Started

  1. Follow the steps from the main contributing docs.
  2. Create a new build type under docker/
  3. Get build working as expected, all board-specific changes should be done inside of the board specific docker file.

Required Structure

Each board will have different build requirements, run on different architectures, etc. however there are set of files that all boards will need.

Bake File .hcl

The board.hcl file is what allows the community boards build to be built using the main build as a cache. This enables a clean base and quicker build times. For more information on the format and options available in the Bake file, see the official Buildx Bake docs

Board Make File

The file is what allows automated and configurable Make targets to be included in the main Make file. Below is the general format for this file:

BOARDS += board # Replace `board` with the board suffix ex: rpi

local-rpi: version
docker buildx bake --load --file=docker/board/board.hcl --set board.tags=frigate:latest-board bake-target # Replace `board` with the board suffix ex: rpi. Bake target is the target in the board.hcl file ex: board

build-rpi: version
docker buildx bake --file=docker/board/board.hcl --set board.tags=$(IMAGE_REPO):${GITHUB_REF_NAME}-$(COMMIT_HASH)-board bake-target # Replace `board` with the board suffix ex: rpi. Bake target is the target in the board.hcl file ex: board

push-rpi: build-rpi
docker buildx bake --push --file=docker/board/board.hcl --set board.tags=$(IMAGE_REPO):${GITHUB_REF_NAME}-$(COMMIT_HASH)-board bake-target # Replace `board` with the board suffix ex: rpi. Bake target is the target in the board.hcl file ex: board


The Dockerfile is what orchestrates the build, this will vary greatly depending on the board but some parts are required for things to work. Below are the required parts of the Dockerfile:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.4

ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

# All board-specific work should be done with `deps` as the base
FROM deps AS board-deps

# do stuff specific
# to the board

# set workdir
WORKDIR /opt/frigate/

# copies base files from the main frigate build
COPY --from=rootfs / /

Other Required Changes


The images for each board will be built for each Frigate release, this is done in the .github/workflows/ci.yml file. The board build workflow will need to be added here.

      - name: Build and push board build
uses: docker/bake-action@v3
push: true
targets: board # this is the target in the board.hcl file
files: docker/board/board.hcl # this should be updated with the actual board type
# the tags should be updated with the actual board types as well
# the community board builds should never push to cache, but it can pull from cache
set: |${{ steps.lowercaseRepo.outputs.lowercase }}:${{ github.ref_name }}-${{ env.SHORT_SHA }}-board

Code Owner File

The CODEOWNERS file should be updated to include the docker/board along with @user for each user that is a code owner of this board


At a minimum the installation, object_detectors, hardware_acceleration, and ffmpeg-presets docs should be updated (if applicable) to reflect the configuration of this community board.